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Boston Tea Party Historical Society

Sample Boston Tea Party Essays

Don't let the thought of putting pen to paper daunt you. Start from reviewing these sample essays and following the writing tips. Important: The sample essays were written by students of various academic levels. They may contain inaccuracies and false information and should not be used as reference material.

The Boston Tea Party - Sample Essay

Most people have heard about the Boston Tea Party. When Americans dumped British Tea in Boston Harbor. But not everyone understands the importance of it, and why the Tea Party is still remembered today. It was on December 16, 1773, when American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians threw 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company from ships into Boston Harbor. "The Americans were protesting both a tax on tea (the Townshend Acts) and the perceived monopoly of the East India Company (also the called English East India Company)" Read more >>

How to Write Articles and Essays Quickly and Expertly
This is a great article that has the basics and the insights that you wont' find in other guides on the Internet.

Basic Guide to Essay Writing
Some really specific instructions on how to proceed. The section about organizing ideas in a diagram is really helpful.

How to Write an Essay: 10 Easy Steps
This article describes the traditional approach to writing essays. Research, Analysis, Brainstorming, and so on.

Worst analogies ever written in a high school essay
Some of them are quite funny, but that's the idea - don't make you writing provide material of such a list.

Short Essay

On December 16, 1773, American patriots dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded the vessels of the East India Company docked in the Boston harbor and dumped all the tea that was on the three ships into the ocean. They emptied 342 chests of tea which was valued at more than 10,000 pounds. This event became known as the "Boston Tea Party." The Boston Tea Party was a reaction to the Tea Act of 1773 that was passed by Parliament to save the British East India Company from bankruptcy. The Tea Act essentially eliminated all taxes on tea except the three pence Townshend tax. More importantly, it offered Americans tea at a lower price than that of the colonial smugglers. Read more>>

Why and How Did the Boston Tea Party Come About, and Who Threw the Tea Away?

I have several questions about the Boston Tea Party. One of my most intriguing is why and how did it come about for 342 chests of tea to be thrown into the water, and who did it? I am here to reveal these answers to you. It all started in 1766, when the Townshend Acts were adopted. This allowed Parliament to tax the colonies on tea, lead, paint, paper, and many other items. In 1770, the Townshend Acts were repealed except for the small tax on tea. Read more>>

Forgotten Lessons from the Boston Tea Party

If we examine the Boston Tea Party and England's reaction to it, we will find mistakes the Crown made that we're in a position to avoid now. Like Great Britain in the late 18th century, our federal government today is big, militant, and expensive to run. Consistent with old England, it serves as the armed partner of select businesses and groups, whose welfare is useful to the political status quo. Like our former mother country, American politicians today consider the injustices they create as necessary sacrifices for the good of the state, while refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing. Read more>>

Boston Tea Party

Late in 1773 something happened in Boston that had two important results. It hardened the feelings of the British against the Americans. It also united the colonists more than ever before. In December, British ships entered Boston Harbor loaded with the tea. The Americans tried to send the tea back to Britain but they were not allowed to send the tea back. The British tea was less money than the Dutch tea, the Americans usually smuggled it into the into the colonies. But it had a tax on it. If the Americans bought the British tea it would mean that they agreed that Britain could tax them. Some people in Boston decided to protest against this tax. Read more>>

Boston Tea Party, the key-event for the Revolutionary War

The Boston Tea Party was the key-event for the Revolutionary War. With this act, the colonists started the violent part of the revolution. It was the first try of the colonists, to rebel with violence against their own government. The following events were created by the snowball effect. There, all the colonists realized the first time, which they were treated wrong by the British government. It was an important step towards the independence dream, which was resting in the head of each colonist. They all flew from their mother country to start a new life in a new world, but the British government didn't give them the possibility by controlling them. Read more>>



Numbers and Facts


Student Essays

The Location

The Ships

Origin of the Tea


Printable Poster

Samuel Adams Biography

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Top 10 preceding historic events

Triangular trade in the colonies

Tea Party reenactment script

The Tea Act of 1773

Debate Arguments for the British

The Actual Tea Chest

The Ballad

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