




Case Study



Boston Tea Party Historical Society

Historic Accounts

Can you identify differences in individual accounts? For example John Andrews wrote that before nine o’clock every chest was destroyed but Samuel Cooper’s account placed the end of tea destruction at ten o’clock. Interestingly according to the theory of investigations, differences in whiteness testimonies may actually confirm truthfulness of experience-based reports vs. fabricated accounts of events that were not actually experienced.

Participant account by George Hewes

"The tea destroyed during the Boston Tea Party was contained in three ships, lying near each other at what was called at that time Griffin's wharf, and were surrounded by armed ships of war..."

The first published account by participant

The first published account by a participant was recorded from the words of Joshua Wyeth. He was just sixteen when he joined other patriots in boarding the tea ships in Boston Harbor.

Participant account by David Kinnison

From the longest living participant of the BTP who lived to be the age of 115.

Account by an Impartial Observer

Having accidentally arrived at Boston upon a visit to a Friend the evening before the meeting of the body of the People on the 29th of November, curiosity, and the pressing invitation of my most kind host, induced me to attend the Meeting.

Participant account by Samuel Cooper

This concise but a very detailed account was written by Major Samuel Cooper, a participant who was only 16 at the time of the event but later fought many battles of revolutionary war with great bravery to earn his high rank.

Participant account by John Andrews

The house was so crowded that I could get no further than the porch. I found the moderator was just declaring the meeting to be dissolved. This caused another general shout, and three cheers. For my part I went contentedly home and finished my tea, but was soon informed what was going forward.

Account in Boston Gazette

On Tuesday last the body of the people of this and all the adjacent towns, and others from the distance of twenty miles, assembled at the old south meeting-house, to inquire the reason of the delay in sending the ship Dartmouth back to London.

Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly Newsletter

The Indians, immediately repaired on board Captain Hall's ship, stove the chests and emptied the tea overboard; having cleared this ship they proceeded to Captain Bruce's and then to Captain Coffin's brig.



Numbers and Facts


Student Essays

The Location

The Ships

Origin of the Tea


Printable Poster

Samuel Adams Biography

Picture Galleries


Top 10 preceding historic events

Triangular trade in the colonies

Tea Party reenactment script

The Tea Act of 1773

Debate Arguments for the British

The Actual Tea Chest

The Ballad

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